Wednesday, March 31, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Flickr

So as many of you may or may not know, I am an avid Flickr user.
Actually all of the photos that I upload here are originally from my flickr site, another great reason to use flickr ( you can upload the url of the photo to any site you want to).

I've been a member since March of 2007, and I'm a huge fan. I would be useing it much more if I didn't have my website to show clients.

I love some of the features for the site, you can track stats like a sports junkie on your photostream (the collection of all you photos you have on flickr). you can check and see how many views your photos have; for the day, week, all time etc.

Some of my stats are as follows, these are actual snap shots of my stats page.
As you can see there is tons of information to find out about.

You can organize your photos in a few great ways,
- sets ( a group of photos ) I currently have 218 sets
A great way to put up photos from say; a shoot, location, trip, day out, party etc.

- Collections ( a collection of sets) and 20 collections
Collections are a great place to put sets together, for me I use collections to keep all my; live gigs, models shoots, wedding photos, events etc.

For instance, this photo of Melissa is my most viewed photo on my photostream, with 800 views...I'm not exactly sure why this is the most viewed photo, Melissa is a beautiful lady and all, but I think I've got far better photos.
My most interesting (interestingness is the a scale of the amount of views, favorited & commented on photos) photo though, is a favorite of mine. It's a photo of a flat iron building in Toronto that i took a few years ago while on my work term for school. If you look closely, you can see bird flying near the top of the building.

My most commented on photo is one of my favorite photos of a great friend/singer/songwriter Ryan Macgrath. The photo has 113 views, 4 favorites and 17 comments. This is the photo I'm talking about.
I'll come back and write about flickr at another time with a more in-depth look at some of the other great features, such as inspiration, groups you can join, feedback, etc.